Saturday, June 30, 2007

Osteoarthritis in Athletes and the role of Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Athletes for the most part have two things in common with most other athletes.

I'm an athlete myself so I am fairly familiar with this. Also, many of my friends are the same.

Firstly we put our joints through far greater stress and wear than most non-athletes put their joints through and secondly we all think we're built better than everyone else - ie that we're not going to get health problems as a result of the sport which keeps us fit and strong.

See, this is why most athletes DO end up with joint problems.

I'm writing this as a kind of note to myself.

I need to realise that I'm a human too - that I'm putting my joints through hell, and I really should look after them.

I don't want osteoarthritis!

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